domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Twister homemade

Twister homemade by Eva_Linda
Twister homemade, a photo by Eva_Linda on Flickr.
Enjoy with your kids. It's easy to do! You only need:
- 1 big and 1 small cartoon boxes
- permanent makers, paint or pencils (different colors)

Outline your (adults and kids) hands and feet. And paint the space with different colors.

Made a dice with the little box painting the different faces with the different colors.

Now is time to play! Roll the dice!

Disfruta con los más pequeños. Sólo necesitas:
- 1 caja de cartón pequeña y una grande
- rotuladores, pintura, lápices (de diferentes colores)

Perfilad vuestras manos y pies. Y pintad el interior de diferentes colores.

Con la caja pequeña haz un dado pintando cada cara del dado de un color distinto.

Ahora empieza el momento de jugar! Tira el dado!

1 comentario:

  1. I love this idea and would really like you to link up at I will look forward to seeing you there.
